If you are the person who has to maintain a loved one’s gravesite, you want to be sure that you know how to manage the marker. The grave marker is not always a simple thing to care for, especially if it is made of fragile materials. To be sure that you do not damage the marker and that you can keep it looking its best, you want to be sure that you keep a few things in mind. Here are the tips that directors of funeral homes in Cornwall, PA want you to remember.
One of the first things you want to do when getting ready to clean the grave marker is to gather all of the right tools. You want to avoid power-washing equipment, abrasive brushes, and anything that can damage the material. You also want to avoid harsh chemicals like bleach. Instead, use detergent, soap, and water, and stick to sponges and soft brushes to get the marker looking its best.
Another thing to keep in mind is that you want to be sure that the market is stable enough to clean. If you see that it is cracking, flaking, or has any other kind of damage, you do not want to clean it. This can only make things worse. You also want to be sure that the marker does not move when you wash it because you do not want to take the risk of it toppling over.
If the marker is made of granite, you want to begin by completely soaking the marker. Granite is porous and will absorb liquid, so you do not want the first liquid it absorbs to be the cleaning solution you opt for. You can then begin to clean the marker. If you see signs of algae, you can add a bit of ammonia to the water, but only do this if the marker is light in color. Dark markers can get stained more easily, so use soap instead of ammonia for them.
For a marble marker, you want to start as you would for granite. Instead of using ammonia, however, you want to use a mild detergent. Add an ounce to about five gallons of water to ensure that the mixture is safe for the marble. You want to rinse it thoroughly.
These are some important things you want to consider when getting ready to clean a loved one’s grave marker. It is important to know about the kind of material the marker is made of so that you do not cause damage. Take the time to gather the right tools and to assess the marker before beginning. If you want to know more about maintaining a gravesite or if you want to make any funerary arrangements, you want to reach out to a Cornwall, PA funeral home like us. We are here to answer any questions you may have about this and more, so do keep that in mind. Give us a call right now or visit us today to get started.